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Fullerton Senior Portraits, Moira c/o 2013
Moira is one of those understated stylish girls, a total sweetheart, and man can she bust out a great pose (obviously.. see above, lol). She's truly a beautiful girl with a beautiful spirit.. so soft and yet absolutely strong. After a visit to Bree, I took my super gorgeous, stylish senior to a new parking structure in downtown Fullerton where I have been wanting to photograph for some time. Lately I've been having my clients use the FLY Pintrest account…

Brea Senior Portraits, Liana c/o 2013
Liana is one of those awesome sporty tom-boy type of girls who can go totally glam. Super sweet and unassuming, Liana looked fabulous after I picked her up at Bree's. We had so much fun exploring some real random spots in Brea, adventuring and experimenting with posing, and maybe climbing a few fences here and there.. maybe. Yes.. there was some danger folks.. but minimal, and since we are both a bit adventurous, we made an excellent team. Liana…

Costa Mesa Senior Portraits, Lora c/o 2013
Lora is a beautiful dancer. [I can say that with confidence because I've seen her dance! Ah-mazzzing!]. She's a sing-at-the-top-of-your-lungs-in-the-middle-of-a-crowd personality. She's a smart smart girl. And she's a creative photographer in her own right. Plus, bonus... those eyes, right? Gorgeous! After a visit to Bree's at the Grand in Brea, Lora, her mother, and I braved the OC traffic and made our way down to Costa Mesa's Segerstrom Performing Arts Center; the location I had pre-chosen for Lora's photoshoot.…

Newport Beach Senior Photo Shoot, Sarah c/o 2013
Sarah is playful. Can you tell? One of my fabulous Senior Rep's, I have known Sarah for about two years and have enjoyed getting to know her sweet, loving, and tender, yet crazy and goofy personality. After our group shoot, I just knew that her solo shoot would be one of the super crazy random fun ones. Her playful silly side would be a fun twist to many of the girls I photograph. I was thrilled after picking Sarah up…

Laguna Beach Senior Photoshoot, Kelsey c/o 2013
Last month I received a really sweet email from Kelsey who explained to me that her family regularly vacations in Laguna Beach every year and that she was hoping to have her Senior portraits done while here July this year. Praise God for the internet, which brought her to FLY... all the way from Kansas! And as it turns out, Kelsey and her family are absolutely charming, wonderful, loving people and we had a wonderful time together! Sort of like…
Meet Jess
Jessica Spinella has been capturing the world in photographs for over a decade. She has a great passion and talent for identifying and freeing the incredible beauty in her clients and showing them how to be free and comfortable in their own skin, especially in front of the camera.