Balboa Pier Newport Beach Senior Portraits: Rachel c/o 2014

Rachel is probably one of the most undercover girly of all of the girls I've ever worked with. A swimmer and water polo player, she's 100% jock, but that's of course not all that she is. While sporting a black beany, back skinny jeans and an over sized I love NY t-shirt as her first look, Rachel let me know that her favorite color is actually pink (and her bedroom has been that color since she was a kid) and that she has planned out what her wedding will look like based on the season of the year she gets married in. I was like... "whaaaattttt?? But you look so skater!!!!??". Think old school Avril Lavigne with this kid! I love it.....

Rachel was funny and easy going and willing to do whatever the heck I wanted on her shoot. I probably could have asked her to jump into a trash can and she would have done it without a seconds guess (I'd never have someone do that of course, but you get my point). We had fun and easy going conversation wandering around Balboa Island, then later taking the ferry over to the Balboa Pier area for some beach fun in Rachel's Letterman's jacket. I LOVE that Rachel's looks were all SO different! Seriously, Rachel started out in the black beany outfit, then changed into a minty-teal ruffly silk dress with a sweet little green beaded necklace she had just gotten, and ended on the sand in her Letterman's. SUCH contrast! LOVE!!! A perfect representation that certain days we feel a certain way and dress accordingly. It's no fun to put a singular label on ourselves with clothing because we limit the fun we can have with fashion! Rachel doesn't limit herself at all in any aspect of her life. Rachel is absolutely beautiful, smart, self-disciplined and hard working and I can't wait to see what her Senior year holds for her!

Big thanks to Bree for fabulous styling as usual, as well as to Katy for her help assisting with this shoot!! Cheers!!!

By Jess Spinella

Meet Jess

Jessica Spinella has been capturing the world in photographs for over a decade. She has a great passion and talent for identifying and freeing the incredible beauty in her clients and showing them how to be free and comfortable in their own skin, especially in front of the camera.

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