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Laguna Beach Senior Portraits: Jaleigh, co/2013
In the summer of 2011, along with 20 other Rock Harbor attendees, I went to South Africa with Jaleigh and her mother Jessica. To say the trip was epic is a serious understatement. In that time and space, and traveling with so many others we all bonded and became family. Jaleigh was like a little sister.. tough, cool, and fun with her own style and care-free attitude. She hung with the boys and wore sweatshirts and skinny jeans the whole…

Claremont Senior Photo Shoot: Grace c/o 2013
Grace is the sweetest. She's darling, and kind, and is all smiles. When we met to talk about her shoot, her mom was exactly the same... obvious where she gets this tenderness from. I loved meeting with Grace and her mom, and wanted her shoot to be something really fun and special. Grace is beautiful, and her incredibly sweet spirit comes out in her manner, and I wanted something that felt elegant, and pretty, but then also gritty, because this…

Brea Senior Photo Shoot: Joy, c/o 2013
I have known Joy since she was only 8 years old. I started doing the math on her shoot while talking to her mother Sherri (who I call Aunt Sherri, yup, its like that), and then realized we had all known each other for nearly ten years! Joy is my very best friend in the world's cousin. Needless to say our paths have crossed often over the years, and in many ways we are family. So this shoot was extremely…

Fullerton Senior Portrait Shoot, Brittney C/O 2013
Brittney is the classic cheerleader. Perky, real cute, and super glam, everything for this sassy little Senior is gold and glamorous with a side of super sweet. After visiting Bree's, I'd planned to take Brit to this super cool bridge that I pass on my way home from the gym everyday, along with a few other strategic Fullerton locations. The bridge is a spot I've seen and saved for the past few years as I always felt like it would…

Whittier Senior Shoot, Corinne, c/o 2013
Corinne is one of those girls who can wear absolutely no make up, a simple t-shirt and jeans, and have wet hair and she still looks insanely beautiful. And then you put a little glam into her look (thanks Bree!!) and, dare I say, magic? I mean, this shoot was absolutely insane. Yes, Corinne models. Yes. Yes she does. I can't wait to say that I photographed her when she was in high school. I mean.. people.. think Next Top…
Meet Jess
Jessica Spinella has been capturing the world in photographs for over a decade. She has a great passion and talent for identifying and freeing the incredible beauty in her clients and showing them how to be free and comfortable in their own skin, especially in front of the camera.