Fullerton Senior Portrait Shoot, Brittney C/O 2013

Brittney is the classic cheerleader. Perky, real cute, and super glam, everything for this sassy little Senior is gold and glamorous with a side of super sweet. After visiting Bree's, I'd planned to take Brit to this super cool bridge that I pass on my way home from the gym everyday, along with a few other strategic Fullerton locations. The bridge is a spot I've seen and saved for the past few years as I always felt like it would be a fantastic spot for a Senior. But a location such as that requires the right girl, in the right outfit.. and guess what! It was Brittney. I knew she would come through! Gold bangles, a fitted glittery dress and gorgeous styling meets dirty train tracks of awesome repetitive lines and deep wood color. AH-MAZING! l.o.v.e. I literally jumped up and down a few times!

We had such a fun day exploring the area, climbing under bridges and into dried up streams and areas all around Fullerton. The Fullerton loop hit my list of locations for Brittney, and as her fantastic sis held our reflector, we charged up and down hills and dirty areas to create a really beautiful and natural collection for Brit's Senior Portraits. I heard all about the new cheer squad and their fun summer, and we just hung out and played with my camera. It was a sensational day and I know that Brittney's Senior year is going to be an absolutely wonderful time!

Major blessing Brittney and best of luck as you work towards your goals and live your dreams!

By Jess Spinella

Meet Jess

Jessica Spinella has been capturing the world in photographs for over a decade. She has a great passion and talent for identifying and freeing the incredible beauty in her clients and showing them how to be free and comfortable in their own skin, especially in front of the camera.

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