Ok, THIS girl! Emily is my people. This happens, sometimes. I meet a family that is like totally my people, and we get along like we've known each other for years and the shoot is fun and easy going and we have the best time and everyone is happy. That happened. And the photos. OH MY. LOVE. So... Emily is a Senior in my new home town of La Verne, where FLY (so basically me and my family) relocated this past summer. She's my first *local* girl shoot, and oh my it was awesome! Emily will be attending Baylor University this coming Fall, yes, in Waco, yes in the Fixer Upper city. Yes, just yes. She's also going on a missions trip to Arifac this summer. This explains a lot about why she's my people, yes? Anyway, how gorgeous is this shoot!? I mean really...
Happy graduation day Emily, its what like 13 more days today?!
Cheers love,